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V6 box update to TV 360 charge

Rising star

I was told my V6 box software would be updated to accommodate the 360 system.  I was also told it was completely free all I had to do was when the new remote arrives simply click on the new app and it will update automatically.. Yet when I look I see there's a £5 charge to do this, to do what? I have to do it, should I not be charging VM then?



[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread]


Virgin Media Staff
Virgin Media Staff

Hi there shouldnt be a £5 charge to do this, where are you seeing it? 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It might possibly be a delivery charge

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Rising star

Whilst talking to CS about renewing my contract (which I have not yet done)I was persuaded by them to upgrade my V6 box to TV 360.  The V6 TV service was all ok before this. All the box now does is go to the 'WELCOME' page, bleeping in the V6 box - download arrow on screen - steady bright red light - then to a flashing bright red light - then a dimmer red light on the box.-  download arrow - then off - steady white light on and off, then back to the 'WELCOME' page yet again several attempts all with the same result.  Got all the info, SMS link guide new (not so) 'smart remote' with booklets, no TV at all except for Virgin TV GO. Have contacted CS who tried various remote actions to no avail. Tech are apparently calling me back.- W/I 5 DAYS!  I don't think so - not a good start, in fact it could be the end of Virgin TV in this house.  And to boot this cost me a £5 'activation fee' when I was told ' this upgrade was no charge', Me thinks I should be charging VM!!

It's on my service change rec't Shown as 'Virgin TV 360 upgrade fee'.

Still no TV service but I now note an Engineer has been booked to tomorrow (4/9/24) 


Please take note.

The engineer appointment has been deleted it seems.  Still no TV though there is no change. Supposedly there are or have been wifi issues in the area resulting in TV issues but system status says no faults.  Wifi is ok and always has been.  VM over to you.  I will update this if there is any change.  Otherwise if I don't hear anything I shall commence cancellation of ALL services.

UPDATE! The engineer has now been re-booked for Friday 6th instant.

I spoke to CS about this charge, I was told it was part month upgrade fee which is not what it says.  However my response was even if they get the old V6 TV box back working that is 7 days out of service so they'll be owing me. And if the 360 upgrade is unsatisfactory I'll cancel it all down.  I see little point in it.  Those mini boxes are not what they seem to be made out to be in the marketing material.  I'm not having cables in the house. Wireless is no good if you cannot watch live TV if not cabled. I'll use Sky.

Alessandro Volta

@ianjayne wrote:

I spoke to CS about this charge, I was told it was part month upgrade fee which is not what it says.  However my response was even if they get the old V6 TV box back working that is 7 days out of service so they'll be owing me. And if the 360 upgrade is unsatisfactory I'll cancel it all down.  I see little point in it.  Those mini boxes are not what they seem to be made out to be in the marketing material.  I'm not having cables in the house. Wireless is no good if you cannot watch live TV if not cabled. I'll use Sky.

I know you can't believe a word that CS tells you, but that "part month upgrade fee" makes it sound like an ongoing monthly charge.

You really need to get that 360 replaced with V6.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.