2 years agoTuning in
Unable to record
We have 3 boxes in total (VTV1, VTV2 & VTV3) and box 1 suddenly stopped booting up and after troubleshooting for a while, I gave up.
Luckily, our third box wasn’t connected at the time so I just used that to replace box 1. The issue is now, anything I was recording box 1, I can now not record on the replacement box.
For example, I try and record Match of the Day on box 3 but get the following message:
”Virgin TV 1 is offline, or not connecting. Turn it on to check if your recording was successfully scheduled”.
Since box 1 is broken, I can’t cancel any of the recordings I have. Not sure what to do?
This is only an issue for any series that I was already recording on the defective box.