2 weeks ago
I have a V6 box in an upstairs bedroom that I have not used for awhile but have recently set up for use. My box downstairs is already on 360, is there anyway I can now upgrade the one in the bedroom? I have a second 360 remote never used. Tried it through apps but I get a migration not available message. (error MA1/1/404)
2 weeks ago
If the box hasn't been used for around 30 days then it will de-activated and will need reactivating.
You could try calling the activation number on 0800 953 9500 to reactivate the set top box, I don't know if the app will be downloaded to the box that might need a call to Virgin, possibly requiring a box swap.
I think you need your account and area number and the serial number for the 2nd box.
2 weeks ago
You can't not convert your second box to TV360. TiVo/V6 & TV360 are fundamentally different TV platforms, which cannot co-exist on the same account.
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a week ago
Hello colinwebb,
Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your second box but as roy247 suggested its likely that your box is no longer active. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you, if you haven't already spoken to the team. I would first need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,