on 29-01-2024 10:09
Hi all, hope someone can help as I'm getting mixed answers when I google.
I'm currently a Sky customer and have been for 20+ years. However, with price increases I'm now looking at alternatives. I'm paying £125 a month and it is going up soon.
My current setup is Sky Broadband (giga), Tv (multiroom) and phone. We don't use the phone at all (not even plugged in) as we only get sales calls all the time. I use the sky multiroom in three other rooms, no sports or movies.. Anyway..
I've been looking to see if Virgin do something similar and have come across the Virgin 360 TV box and the multiroom 360 boxes you can get.
Now the questions..
From reading am I right in thinking the main hub (fiber connection) comes in the house and can sit in my office, like it does now with BT fiber?
The then main 360 box is just a wifi box that can sit anywhere as long as it's got a good connection?
However, the mini 360 boxes (multiroom ones) do need a wired connection. Do these need running from the main hub router thing or are these separate yet again?
Can you record on the mini 360 boxes? Are they linked to the main box like Sky so that's the one to start recording? It says on the site they don't record and can only pause for a few minutes as no hard drive.
At the moment our main sky box connects to the dish and my multiroom mini boxs are all wireless and can go anywhere. I don't want to have to run cables all over the house that's all and is pretty much the deciding factor. We tend to move the Sky multiroom boxes about depending what the rooms are being used for. (bedroom / office / dining room / second lounge etc..) and having to re-route cables is a defo no no. Hope someone can help, I've even spoken to Virgin and got mixed answers from the,
on 29-01-2024 10:34
The main and mini boxes all require a wired coaxial connection to get the TV channels\initialise the box, plus an internet connection, either wired or Wi-Fi. All recording is done on the main box and streamed to the mini boxes. I also think there may be a limit of 1 main and 2 mini boxes, but that may have changed.
on 29-01-2024 11:01
The maximum is 3 boxes (1 Master & 2 Mini). All the boxes are broadcast receivers, hence a connection to Virgins coaxial network from each box is mandatory. The master box (1Gb capacity) contains all the recordings, which are then streamed to the mini boxes or your portable devices via the TV Go app via your home Ethernet/WiFi network.
If you can get V360 services you are in either an HFC area (fibre to node cabinet) or RFoG (fibre to your front wall with copper coaxial internally). Virgin full fibre areas cannot carry V360 services as the distribution does not support broadcast technology.
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on 29-01-2024 11:14
Some great technical responses so far. However you might be better off renegotiating with Sky if Pay-TV is important for you. See https://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Community-Natter/Official-VM-most-complained-about-says-Ofcom/t...