Forum Discussion

2001chavezl's avatar
Tuning in
9 months ago

Move a Virgin Media green street cabinet

We have a Virgin Media street cabinet directly in front of our drive which we need moving as it is partially blocking access to our driveway (by almost a metre). Please see pictures.

Aside from it continuing to make it really difficult for us to get our vehicles on and off our drive, there’s been several near misses by us and visitors as the cabinets are not very high and difficult to see when attempting to reverse while also trying to avoid other vehicles already on the drive.

I should mention that a pub used to stand where our house now is and the box was there prior to the house being built. The driveway was built with the house and no alterations have been made to the driveway. The pub was demolished and 4 semis were built in its place. Strangely, the cabinet was never relocated when the houses were built even though it was partially blocking access to one of the properties and the new layout/change to residential use.

If the box was relocated only a couple of feet to the right, we would have full access to our drive and the neighbours would be unaffected by this as the box would sit directly in front of their brick wall as the entrance to their drive is on the other side. It is a safety hazard due to its current location and it is only a matter of time before someone does drive into it and causes damage to not just the box and everything housed inside but also their vehicle.

Please can someone get back to me on this. Many thanks