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Solid amber light, screen stuck on welcome

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My box seems to be stuck, I have tried turning off and on, tried the + and standby button and nothing, just sits there with the welcome screen, tried a different ethernet cable and this also did nothing?


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Oh just as I hit post, the box now goes into a flashing amber / red light and the screens show an arrow sort of coming down onto the box, does this then goes back to the welcome screen with solid amber light?????????


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@a24udi wrote:

My box seems to be stuck, I have tried turning off and on, tried the + and standby button and nothing, just sits there with the welcome screen, tried a different ethernet cable and this also did nothing?

Hi @a24udi 

Are you having internet issues on any other devices, especially wired?

An amber light either solid or blinking means your 360 box is having problems connecting to the internet. I see you've tried a different ethernet cable, but have you also tried a different ethernet port on the hub? Also since you've rebooted the 360, have you tried rebooting the hub as well?

You could try turning off the 360 by the switch on the back of the box;  then on the front of the 360 box  hold down both the power button and the - (minus) button at the same time. Then turn on the V6 again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds.

If the power button and the -  (minus) button workaround doesn't solve it then try using the power button and the +(plus) button at the same time instead.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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