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Re: Want to go back to TIVO


I was never given the choice to upgrade to the 360 boxes.... we moved house and as far as i knew virgin said take all your old equipment (v6 boxes etc) and they will be installed at the new house .. Well the engineers said we are having new boxes and turns out it was the 360 boxes which we hate and never asked for , i really want to go back to the V6 boxes but they say we cannot .. So sadly it wasnt voluntary on our part and was forced on to us 


Accepted Solutions

Hi Keenrw 👋 thanks for posting! Sorry to hear about this situation with your V6-TV360 upgrade as part of your move. 

The V6 boxes can be upgraded to TV360 with a software update, so it's not always a new piece of equipment. There's loads of great benefits to the TV360 service, which you can read more about here 👉  Virgin TV 360 Box | Multi-Screen Streaming | Virgin Media and here 👉 Virgin TV 360 Box | Multi-Screen Streaming | Virgin Media

However, I can appreciate this may have been frustrating if it was something you were actively trying to avoid. It looks like you've already been in touch with the team who have helped raise a complaint for you, and put steps in place to get this sorted. Please let us know if there is anything outstanding with this you still need support with. 

Otherwise, 🤞 hopefully things are already on their way to being sorted, and you can return to the V6 service you loved. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! All the best. 🌞


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Very Insightful Person

When you move home, you do normally take your existing equipment with you and reactivate at your new home - many customers do it, and remain on TiVo/V6 if that is the kit they had originally.

So in your case, something else has triggered the conversion to TV360. My first question would be why you had a tech visit for the new install and whether you questioned the need for new equipment when (I presume) you'd already been explicitly told to keep your current kit?

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Yeah, we were told to keep the old boxes, the engineer needed to add the leads etc as there was nothing to connect our boxes too, we wasn't told they were new 360 boxes just that he had to install new tv boxes which we thought was new V6 ones ... we only found out after the installation was done and we wasn't happy , i was holding off getting 360 ones due to the fact they seem a downgrade as the V6 boxes has more features and separate hard drives in each were as the 360 is shared ... what VM boffin thought that would be a good idea??

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I'm not clear why the tech was even tasked with installing new boxes, unless you'd requested additional multiroom installs at the same time as moving home?

If you were told to take your existing V6 with you, and you'd done so - something about this isn't adding up. Either there's a VM error in your account transfer, or there's more to this tale than you've mentioned in your posts thus far. Did you make any changes to your package or bundle at the same time as moving?

I'm minded towards option 1 at the moment, and with that in mind I've moved your posts to a new thread so the staff can pick it up.

You are correct to have concluded that TV360 is very different to TiVo-software, and this is why conversions are voluntary.

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They did admit it was a mistake on their part in reference the move during a phone call

Hi Keenrw 👋 thanks for posting! Sorry to hear about this situation with your V6-TV360 upgrade as part of your move. 

The V6 boxes can be upgraded to TV360 with a software update, so it's not always a new piece of equipment. There's loads of great benefits to the TV360 service, which you can read more about here 👉  Virgin TV 360 Box | Multi-Screen Streaming | Virgin Media and here 👉 Virgin TV 360 Box | Multi-Screen Streaming | Virgin Media

However, I can appreciate this may have been frustrating if it was something you were actively trying to avoid. It looks like you've already been in touch with the team who have helped raise a complaint for you, and put steps in place to get this sorted. Please let us know if there is anything outstanding with this you still need support with. 

Otherwise, 🤞 hopefully things are already on their way to being sorted, and you can return to the V6 service you loved. Thanks for your patience in the meantime! All the best. 🌞


All fixed now ..I'm back with fresh V6 boxes thanks to the support team , and they have fixed my wifi pod issue

On our wavelength

I would really like to downgrade my V6 box back to the TiVo service.  While I appreciate there are benefits such as voice control,  I really miss the features whereby programmes would be recorded automatically, using keywords. Also the fast forwarding through adverts was much easier, as it would jog back a few seconds.  Also, the menu system was better laid out, in my opinion. Please, if there is any way to go back I would very much appreciate this, as I am sure many others would also. 

Hey paulwads,

Welcome back to the community and thanks for taking the time to post.
I’m sorry to hear you feel that way about the services, I assume that you mean return from the 360 back to a V6?

Unfortunately that wouldn't be possible, you aren't able to go back to the V6, once you have upgraded to the 360 software.

Kind Regards,


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@paulwads wrote:

I would really like to downgrade my V6 box back to the TiVo service.  While I appreciate there are benefits such as voice control,  I really miss the features whereby programmes would be recorded automatically, using keywords. Also the fast forwarding through adverts was much easier, as it would jog back a few seconds.  Also, the menu system was better laid out, in my opinion. Please, if there is any way to go back I would very much appreciate this, as I am sure many others would also. 

If you migrated voluntarily, no there is no way back. Boxes cannot be reloaded with TiVO once converted, so the only option would be for the box to be replaced with a refurb unit. Arris no longer manufacture the TiVO V6 as VMs contract to use the firmware is due to end in the not too distant future. Also when VM moves to full fibre XGS-PON services you will no longer be able to use the broadcast receivers TiVO runs on.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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