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Re: Mini box won't record

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Hi Zach,

I have the same issue that Stephen was having a year ago. When you say "record on the main box", what do you mean? the Apollo Mini Box is all that I was given by VirginMedia.



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Very Insightful Person

@dilluminati wrote:

Hi Zach,

I have the same issue that Stephen was having a year ago. When you say "record on the main box", what do you mean? the Apollo Mini Box is all that I was given by VirginMedia.

When customers receive a 360 box they should be given one main box which contains a hard drive for recording purposes. Any additional boxes are mini boxes which are half the height of the main box..

The  main 360 box is approx 5cm tall, 22.5cm wide & 15cm deep

The mini box is approx 2.5cm tall, 22.5cm wide & 15cm deep (no hard drive, so it's basically just the top half of the main box)

main 360 (left) and mini 360 (right)main 360 (left) and mini 360 (right)

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Was yours a new install, or a conversion from TiVo/V6? Did you have any multiroom boxes?

It's usually better to start a new thread explaining your query, than tack onto others - especially when it was almost a year old.

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I think you might have a Virgin Stream box as in the picture below, you can't record on that.
