Netflix subtitles font & settings still not adjustable
It is still apparently impossible to change the Netflix font & size subtitles settings while watching via the VM app. To add insult to injury some genius has decided that an especially obtrusive large font in capital letters is the best default option. This has put me off watching anything on Netflix via VM so the channel is effectively a waste of time for me.
I note that this issue has been raised before and typically no resolution was offered by VM for such a simple issue except "wait and see", so I'm probably wasting my time raising it again, but I figure if affected customers adopt the usual strategy of suffering in silence then all hope is lost.
And yes, I have examined the settings menu. Whereas on the Netflix site - and presumably in the apps from less exasperating companies than VM like Amazon - the subtitles can be changed so that that they don't scream at you the whole time. However the settings menu in the VM App is rudimentary and simply allows you to change the language.
It would be something if the default Netflix subtitle settings could be changed to something less bonkers at the very least. They are the most annoyingly obtrusive I've ever seen.