a month ago
I've received my new box, etc but before I have had a chance to do the upgrade my old box has stopped working (presumably disconnected by Virgin) so I can't follow step 1.1 which is to use my current V6 remote and select "upgrade to virgin TV 360 now". What do I do please?
a month ago
I've reset the box and I have an on screen instruction to pair the remote. I've tried but nothing happens. Ps I haven't yet pulled out the red tab from the remote
a month ago
If it's asking you to pair the 360 remote you will need to pull the tab out.
4 weeks ago
Thanks. There really should be instructions on what to do if your old connection has already been cut off.
4 weeks ago
Hi there @robinsoncrusoe
Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the forums, it's great to have you here.
I am so sorry to see you are facing an issue with your 360 conversion. Let me pop you a private message and we will take a look into this there.
I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.
4 weeks ago
Sorted now as once I paired the remote I discovered I didn't have to do anything.
Thanks for responses.