UniFi setup with VM
I have a unifi cloud console that I want to install at a site which currently runs TalkTalk internet, I am nearly ready to switch to VM broadband, I have a question regarding Ubiquiti's UCG-Max cloud gateway and how I can connect it in a way that it becomes the primary router to avoid double NAT. Would I put the router in route mode or would I plug the line directly into the router and have the IP assigned via DHCP?
It will get a public WAN IP address. It does not as such ‘inherit’ the VM hub’s IP address as when the VM hub is in modem mode it does not have a WAN IP address. The address will be on your own routers WAN port. When the VM hub is in modem mode all the networking switching, DHCP server and WiFi service as not running. The hub just acts as a bridge.