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All recordings (existing and planned) lost following playback error

On our wavelength

I had a problem on Saturday evening where I could not play back recordings (sorry, I didn't note the error code but it said something about "unable to play content" or similar). I therefore did the usual in this circumstance: turned box off, left for 10 mins, turned back on.

The box rebooted but then had the "welcome" in multiple languages screen showing rather than the normal startup screens and when it had fully booted up, ALL recordings (existing and planned) had gone.

What I've done/checked already:

  • Rebooted box (see above)
  • Internet connection is fine
  • "Auto-delete when space needed" is OFF (was already off and always has been)
  • All cables fully seated

Having looked through these forums, it appears that the box may have become faulty so I wonder if one of the moderators can take a look please? I appreciate this may require a replacement box.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi davem1995 

That's usually caused by a hard drive problem. 

What happens if you pause live TV for a couple of minutes and then play it back?

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

On our wavelength

At the time that would not work either but since rebooting the box and it resetting itself at present, it's working... for now...