on 05-08-2024 09:28
Can anyone comment if adding a V6 STB will allow us to stream between rooms, i.e. watch Tivo recordings via the V6 box ?
Note: both rooms already have RF Cable and Ethernet connection to house network.
on 07-08-2024 07:58
Yes, you should be able to stream between V6 and TiVo boxes within the home as long as they are both connected to your home network by ethernet or Wi-Fi (As far as I remember the TiVo only has ethernet)
on 13-08-2024 10:14
Just for the record, V6 box now installed in living room and old Tivo retired to the garage next to the Hub-5. Shows indeed stream between boxes with no problem.
Replicated the required Series Links onto the V6 (could not find any way to copy them over), and then deleted the old ones on th Tivo. Once we have watched all the Tivo recordings, will be dumping the multi-room package & VM can have the Tivo back !!
on 15-08-2024 13:17
Thanks for the update pete_at_home, don't hesitate to get in touch in the future if you need us.