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Problem with registered devices for Virgin Go

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Good Morning

Since yesterday, every time I try to watch Virgin TV Go on my PC it asks me to register the device even though it had already been registered and working fine. I've now reached my limit of devices even though I'm using the same devices I have always used. This is most inconvenient. Can may devices please be reset so that I may be able to use Virgin Go as I had before.

Many thanks 


Forum Team
Forum Team

HI LHider 👋 welcome back to the community forum!

Thank you for posting

Sorry to hear about these issues with your TV Go registered devices. There are 3 device swaps available each month. If you use an incognito browser, or clear cookies and cache this can mean the device appears to be new and can use one of these registrations. You can read more about this here 👉 How to use Virgin TV Go app | Virgin Media Help
We will just need to send you a PM to confirm a few account details so we can arrange getting the devices reset for you.

I will do this for you now - you can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Wishing you all the best. 🌞


Dear Molly_T

We are experiencing the same. I do clear cookies and cache on browser exit. However I set it so that they do not clear from the following sites:
The issue still exists; saying maximum number of devices reached and also maximum number of changes on both app and browser and also when trying a different browser also.

Hi Rishi9 👋 Welcome to the community! Thanks for joining this thread. 
Sorry to hear you are also having some issues with your TV Go devices. We can get these re-set for you, after confirming a few details via PM. 

I will do this for you now - you can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 

Thanks for your patience whilst I offer support. 🌞


Hi All 👋 Just returning to the public thread to keep things updated. 

Thanks to Rishi9 for PMing with me. We were able to confirm the details needed to manually reset the TV GO devices. This has now been completed. 

Hopefully there are not further issues in future, but please do let us know if you need more support. 

Wishing you all the best! 🌞


I am having, yet again, the same issues of registering my device when already registered. Can you help with this please.

Hi @Davemc1708 👋.

Thanks for reaching back out to us, apologies you are having issues with registered devices, so that we can assist you we would need to bring you in for a private message. Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.



Hi Molly

I am having the same issue and device registration not being retained. Please could you PM me so that the devices can be reset.


Hey @agood_82 Thanks for reaching out to us and a warm welcome to the Virgin Media Community forums. 👋🏼

I'm sorry to hear about the issues you are having with Virgin TV Go and the devices that need to be reset. 😢
I will assist you on this matter and get this sorted for you.

I will send a private message for further support. 📧

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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Thanks for speaking with us today @agood_82 on the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

I'm glad that we have managed to assist and have reset the TV Go app devices.
As advised - reach out to us for any other queries and we'll assist where we can.

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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