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Zen and ee bringing out wifi 7 routers

Tuning in

With other leading broadband providers about to release wifi 7 routers, are Virgin going to follow ?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @oisin1974 

If and when VM introduce another router, then the first we would hear bout would be when VM announce it on their / pages (unless the press get hold of the details first )  I also don't think VM customers would be happy having to pay extra for the device, heck it's £600 on /amazon  as is the case with non Volt customers and the wifi pods.

I read the /ispreview article (and comments) regarding Zen and the wifi 7 router and their new gigaplus speeds (up to 2Gbps) broadband package(s) will actually come with Amazons eero Pro 6E router as standard. The eero Max7 will only be offered as an “upgrade option” on all its Full Fibre Max packages (ISPreview has been informed that “upgrade paths” to get the new eero Max 7 pro router will be available from £10 per month.) Amazon’s kit doesn’t have any ports for analogue phone or USB storage devices.

One of the letters implies that it's an awful device. Looks nice, good Ethernet port speeds, but it has bugs, and the majority of features, even WiFi stats are locked behind a subscription. Another letter suggests amazon eeros are terrible it always put all my devices on to the 2.4ghz frequency

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Alessandro Volta

No stop thinking VM care about wifi and even if they do you can't have one if your on a working hub.

Look to get your own router with wifi 7 if you want it that badly


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

And don’t forget to update all your devices to match 

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Alessandro Volta

And upgrade your internet connection to more that 10Gb/s ... so as to exceed Wi-Fi 6 speeds.