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M125 to M350 yet no change in speed

On our wavelength

I upgraded my broadband from M125 to M350. Yet the speed remains at around its usual 90 Mbps.

Why is this please?




Alessandro Volta

Assuming this is an ethernet connection, the usual reason for this speed is that the remote device is only connecting at 100Mbps instead of 1000Mbps.

Try a different cable, a different socket on the Hub, and check the ethernet settings in the device. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

On top of the advice from @jpeg1 , you can also check the conf settings on the Hub. It will show what speed has been provisioned.
It's Configuration tab - Primary Downstream Service Flow - Max Traffic Rate.

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Alessandro Volta

You should see around 132 / 20 Mb/s on M125. 

Seeing 90 Mbps over an Ethernet connection suggests your computer equipment has a link speed of 100Mb/s,
to go any faster you PC / laptop needs to connect to the VM Hub at 1Gb/s.

The Connected devices menu of the VM Hub is a good place check network link speeds.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @max1000000, thank you for your query. 

If you could try following the excellent advice provided by @jpeg1, @Adduxi and @Client62, that'd be much appreciated.

If you're continuing to experience slow internet speeds thereafter, please let us know.

General advice on how to fix this type of issue can be found here


None of that works. I'm a seasoned user and elec eng. Had a replacement routers over the years, you name it. Rebooted, no change etc. Needs someone to come in and look at it.

Hi @max1000000, thank you for your response.

In order to look into this for you further, we'll send you a private message on here. Look out for the envelope in the top right-hand corner.

If you're on a portable device with a smaller screen, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and select "messages" from the additional menu options.


So seasoned, you could not be troubled to expand on what is working correctly and what is not working as expected.