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Virgin Media Alert: Your device may have a malware infection

On our wavelength

I've just had a generic email with the title "[Important] Virgin Media Alert: Your device may have a malware infection".

"We’ve been notified by a third party that malicious traffic has been detected coming from a device using your internet connection. We don’t know which device this is, but it does mean your personal data and online financial transactions, including credit card purchases, could be at risk."

Is there any way of getting more info on this? Assuming it is legitimate I could do with an idea of what I'm looking for to troubleshoot rather then being given "opportunities" to buy AV software...


Hi @Niska 

We would advise running scans on all devices to ensure that any viruses are detected and cleated, which may be the route cause of this issue.

Please also ensure that all devices are protected from an potential online viruses too.



On our wavelength

Yeah, thanks. Again, that is not terribly helpful advice. 

Your system has detected some kind of issue, and as a result you are threatening me with disconnection - but you cannot give me any useful information on that issue. 

I hope you can appreciate the information gap here...

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Virgin are often notified by third party security companies such as Shadowserver, and in some cases law enforcement agencies, the only thing that these people see is traffic with a specific footprint but they only see the public IP address - they can't tell which device on the users network is sending that traffic.

That said, I wonder if it might be useful to get destination port addresses and protocols - if they could then there might be a way of narrowing down the search.

I do agree with the OP - giving a generic - run AV scans on all devices - can be impractical - if you're using Firesticks, Kodi boxes etc - AV scans cannot be run on these devices.

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On our wavelength

And now I've had my fourth warning. I wonder if there is some kind of loyalty scheme that might get me a free coffee?

Was this another email or via letter, Niska?

On our wavelength

Another email. 

On our wavelength

Now a fifth email.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Niska wrote:

Now a fifth email.

If these notification continue to be addressed to [%customer.lastname %] I would query their validity, i.e. why are they not addressing you by your name.

Consider making a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) for all data related to these notification and in particular those provided by third-parties; read more here Online Subject Access Request FAQs | Virgin Media Help. Should the information required remain elusive then escalate to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO); read more here Data protection and personal information complaints tool | ICO

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@David_Bn Are you able to check with the security team to confirm that the emails have indeed been sent out by VM.

@Niska Is there a reference number in the email?


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Hi Niska, 

Thanks for coming back to us about these emails warning you about malicious activity. I can appreciate these are frustrating when they keep coming through, but they are a way to keep you safe and informed about your security.

@ravenstar68 from what we have read we can confirm that these emails are genuine, Niska will need to follow the steps and advice that is within the emails in order to stop them from coming through.

Please keep us posted once you've done this Niska.

