I am just checking all my VM conenctions as did not do that for years until I had issues.
Last thing, this is my outside box with the cable coming up from underground the drive from 1997, I got told the skinny one is for phone. Then when I rejoined in 2013, the took the top wire from there and drilled in into the house.
I have been told this whole box needs to be changed, then got told its fine. Also is that exposed connection silver bit ok to get wet. Can I also just remove the whole box as really I am only using broadband so one cable just goes in the house or do I have to keep that box, as it looks ugly. Will be repaint wall soon ergo need to know.
Box itself is ok, but connectors should be inside the box not exposed. Perhaps box is broken that can't see in photo, and that's why it may need to be replaced.
Yes, looks to me like the incoming cable from the ground has been jooined outside that box. Maybe is was severed at some point? Also that box looks very small to be a genuine VM omnibox? As noted, best to get it replaced by VM, or as a very last resort, they are available on line, but then again why should you pay for one.
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Cable is 1997 buried underground from another company , comes up from the drive...VM took over that company.... Reinstalled VM 2012/2013 , broadband only, will only use broadband only with VM
The skinny phone cable is not used , the coax was cut where you see the connector (as originally it went in the wall there) and re joined to enter the wall 1m around the corner (the wire to the right of the picture).
The box is from VM but its an old one, I was just sure the connector should not be exposed, odd as no tech has ever seem bothered, even got told " its ok to get wet" lol.
I dont want new holes drilled so maybe, I should get VM to change that box only and cover the connector???
any ideas
Horizontal wires are sky ( so ignore them)... As you can see, the cable is fully buried under the driveway as the driveway was being made when they came to cable the street which was lucky!
It's probably one of the original cable company boxes pre-VM, though most still had branding.
Anyway book a tech visit as needs changing as those connectors should not be exposed. Telephone cable pretty much legacy now unless still in non digital voice area and can still use it.
Yeah, I showed my mate the photos as most of us know networking more so than the average person, He said the cable is ok ( the one thats connected that goes into the house ) its CTFC T10 11357... Is that RG6? as got tech visit booked for Tuesday so want to make sure its all ok. Id rather not change that cable as its painted on to the wall and will look a mess.
I will get him to change that box just dont want any new holes drilled which should not be hard. I am assuming this would be ok as the omnibox looks longer anyway,
Makes me wonder why over the years no tech has changed the box or covered that exposed connection. Ok yes my connection has been ok but sometimes its not , and it could be due to this
Some parts of the forum say exposed cables dont interfere. I dont buy that,
Just got told the old box is not VM. its NTL or Cable and Wireless.
Assuming these are the people whom cabled the street back in 1997??????
IDK why I am so interested but I didnt know VM took over all these little companies.
Update, showed it to someone from BT ( he was working on the road. He said the box may damage the wall when removed due to the damp proof paint. He suggested changing the connectors and barrel and it can be housed in an inline ip66 connector.
Anyone know?