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Wall Socket

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Recently moved into my new property and awaiting my QuickStart kit which should arrive tomorrow. The wall socket I have is pictured below. Presume that the plug on the right hand side is to power the wall box? Just wondering as most pictures I've seen, they don't seem to have this plug. And then I assume that the other F-type connector will plug into the router?

Thanks in advanceIMG_0079.jpgIMG_0080.jpg


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The loose plug will just go into your new hub, you will not need to use the co-ax cables supplied.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Thanks and presume though that it does indeed need plugged in? Just wondered how I've seen boxes without the plugs on them and why mine is different?!

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You need the powered amp presumably as the connected street cabinet is far away.  It’s a normal way of boosting the signal. I 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Hey helicon2, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to see this.

Did you manage to get set up correctly or are you needing some help still?

Do let us know 🙂 

Matt - Forum Team

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