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power levels are not perfect

Tuning in

the technician said my power levels are not perfect but it will do. he put a 3db attentuator on

 gaming feels sluggish, if i restart the hub it feels more responsive but after 24 hours it feels sluggish again.


Alessandro Volta

The power levels only need to be within acceptable norms to deliver a reliable service.

oh right so they dont need to be perfect for competitive gaming? Like i said if I restart the hub it feels more responsive but after 24 hours it feels sluggish or too fast in game for my eyes to register


Alessandro Volta

The preferred range for Downstream power levels are -7 to +7 with +10 dBmV as the absolute max, some of the power levels exceed the maximum.   Replacing the 3dB attenuator with a 10dB attenuator should bring the Downsteam into the preferred power range.

We are an RFoG installation and we have had a 10dB attenuator since day one.

Alessandro Volta

RFOG will usually need an attenuator because the signal power source is at the house and it is supposed to put out 15dBmv.

In the OP’s case, the downstream SNR whilst within specs, isn’t the best and a high downstream power will amplify the noise.  Hence the poor experience.  Client62’s advice is sound and you get those attenuators in eBay if the VM bods won’t send you a tech.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)


Looking at your screenshots, the power levels are fine.   The downstream SNR is a bit low.  Also the upstream transmit levels are way lower than ideal.

My recommendation would be to definitely increase the 3db to a 10db attenuator.   This will lower the DS levels, and the CMTS will instruct the modem to increase the upstream to around +38dBmV.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If the OP is rebooting the Hub, I would question the large numbers of PostRS errors, as these will not be cumulative?  Maybe some noise ingress as well as the power levels being a bit high?

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Sorry to argue. The upstream levels are fine.  Your hub is just a few feet away from the media convertor, the low power is all it needs for the CMTS to read the upstream and in any case that is the commanded value.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

so which forward path dB attenuator I need to purchase? 10db? 12db? 15db?