Yodel return of 10 Aug 2024
I've had a new router delivered (I was told it needed upgrading) and have installed it. All working fine. I packed up the old one and dropped it off at my local Yodel pick-up point as requested. Today (14 August) I had an email from Virgin asking where the equipment was. Sounded a little threatening. I dropped the box off on Wednesday 10 August, was told I would receive a confirmation that Yodel had picked it up. I had entered my email address carefully on the phone they were using to manage the process at the pick-up point and checked it, but have received no receipt. I've tried downloading the Yodel app, but it won't let me enter my address to complete the installation of the app. All I've got is a photo of the label that I fixed to the box.
How can I prove to Virgin that the box is on the way or find out whether that they have received it?