on 11-02-2024 22:20
Hi all, I’ve been upgraded to hub 5 from Virgin. How do I connect hive to the new router? I’m going round and round and no one so far seems to know. My hive currently has red light and therefore offline. Any help would be appreciated. The hive app doesn’t even have an option to change wif-fi!! Makes no sense
on 11-02-2024 23:33
I have no experience of the Hub5 with Hive, but I do recollect previous posts about the problem. Do a search of the board.
on 12-02-2024 07:24
Does your Hive Hub connect to the VM Hub 5 using a network cable ?
The link is to a PDF of Hive Hub install notes .... https://assets.ctfassets.net/mijf9lz5yt3u/2ELQO0Tz50BefpnwE6wkqS/068edd8a94d6e59fb22a2b53ac161bed/Hi...