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Sonos and smart plugs (2.4ghz network)

Settling in

Hi. I’ve just switched to Virgin from a previous Virgin Business account where the router had both a 2.4 and a 5ghz network I could connect to. This new router doesn’t show that option but I’m hopeful there is something I can do so that I can connect my Sonos and my smart plugs as they only connect to a 2.4ghz network.

Can anyone assist please?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

• Access your Hub by navigating to
• Login with the default login info (on base of Hub) unless you've already updated it.
• Go to Advanced Settings > Wireless > Security
• Under Wireless Frequency 2.4GHz change the Wifi Network Name (SSID), suggest append _2 to the end.
• Repeat for the Wireless Frequency 5GHz, suggest append _5 to the end and click on Apply changes
• Try to avoid spaces and periods in the SSID names as they can cause issues with certain devices.
• Disable the Smart Optimisation on the wifi bands.

NOTE - If you use Pods, this will disable them as they need a single SSID as "out of the box".

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Alessandro Volta
  • Access
  • search asus router
  • find on with 1Gb ports
  • put hub in modem mode when you get it