on 22-01-2024 12:18
I am trying to gain access to my mother's "Super" hub 2aC. She, not surprisingly, has no recollection of any password. When I type into my browser, I get a page asking for a password (no username is requested). When I try the usual candiditates, I get an error message saying "Don't know your password? You'll find your default password on the bottom of your Super Hub". On the bottom of the hub there are no less than 8 sets of numbers and letters, none of which seem to be a password. But none of these work, although since you cannot actually see what you are typing in (infuriating), it's a bit hit and miss. I have tried "admin" and "changeme" without success, except that typing in "admin" (small caps) I do not get the unhelpful message "password is not recognised, please try again". The password field just remains blank. If I type in admin in capital letters I get the error message.
on 22-01-2024 12:47
Reset the Hub to factory settings. Full instructions are in the original thread of the same name.
on 22-01-2024 18:23
Thank you for your response. I am not going to reset something that is working, even if you were the real Alessandro Volta. And anyway I cannot see the password on the bottom of the device - or cannot understand which of the many numbers is a password. So I risk resetting and still not having any knowledge of what the password actually is is. .
on 22-01-2024 19:46
From my recollection that picture is not from a SuperHub 2ac, but a TV box that contains a hard disk (HDD) on the label of 1T.
on 22-01-2024 21:00
No, that's not a Hub. What other VM boxes do you have?
on 25-01-2024 15:47
Hi @crjamie thanks for your post, although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised.
If you could perhaps provide a photo of the front of the Hub, we can identify what product it is for you and eliminate it from your enquiries if it's deemed not to be a Hub which we suspect already?
Many thanks