New Address/New Hub 4
Hi All,
I have moved from my 2 bed house to a 2 bed ground floor flat with a Warden. A nice engineer called in last week to fit my Router up to the cable. He did a Good job. Alas, he tried 2x Hub 5 routers that refused to connect. He then fitted the Hub 4 which connected. When he left that hub 4 kept disconnecting so I had to call him back. He came back and said he found a problem in the cable under the pavement and fixed it. Alas, I get a weaker Hi-fi signal on my iPhone in another room where it should be full. Also when I go to check my 'Diagnostic Tool' it says "Home Network has a Few Problems. How do I get VM to look at the underground cable and Fix the problem and also give me a Working HUB 5 that I asked for. I have NO home phone as I can't find connection point for it.
Hi Dennis8,
Thanks for posting this on our Community Forums, we're glad to hear you've stayed with us for such a long time! We are aware though that the issues you've mentioned need resolving though if we want to keep your faith!
I understand the issues you're facing are -
- You currently have a Hub 4 instead of a Hub 5 due to the rocky start during your installation. You want it swapping for a Hub 5.
- You state you're not happy with the WIFI speeds in your home, you've mentioned you get 79.5mbps download and 45.9mbps upload.
- You also feel that the street cable that the engineer attempted to fix is still an issue and you want this looking into.
- You're also seeing some issues on your MyVM diagnostic tests which need resolving.
- Lastly, you don't have a landline plug socket.
After doing an investigation on our side we have found the following -
- The speeds and connection coming into your home via the outside network is good, which means the street cable is stable.
- Your Hub specs are good, no issues with your Hub's channels.
- The WIFI speeds you've mentioned are actually very good 79.5mbps download and 45.9mbps upload. Our WIFI Max Scheme guarantees 30mbps in every room, so if you find the speeds are lower than this then please let us know.
- You may be in a digital landline area now, which means you do not need to plug your phone into the mains via a socket - You can simply plug your landline into your Hub via an adapter. Check here for more information on this 👉 Digital Switchover. If you do not have an adapter then we can get one sent out to you.
- We can also get an engineer visit booked in to swap your Hub 4 for a Hub 5 depending on stocks.
Please let us know your thoughts on our findings and if you have any questions.
We can then get the engineer visit set up for your Hub swap.