on 13-02-2024 18:38
Przyszedłem do małego problemu, ponieważ mój router Virgin Media spadł mi z szafy i całkowicie się zepsuł, a teraz nie mam internetu. Jest to bardzo zależne od tego, że jestem studentem i dobrym internetem do nauki i wykonywania zadań, ale jest to moment niemożliwy ze względu na router i przyłączony tutaj z zapytaniem, gdzie jest wymagane żądanie routera oraz jak można zastosować nowy w zamian.
on 13-02-2024 18:41
Hello, I came to a small problem because my Virgin Media router fell out of my closet and completely broke and now I have no internet. This is very dependent on the fact that I am a student and have good internet for studying and doing tasks, but this is an impossible moment due to the router and attached here with a question where is the router request required and how can a new one be applied instead.
(Eng version)
on 13-02-2024 18:43
The primary place to report faults or for service requests is Customer Services on 0345 454 1111/150 if you have a VM landline or wait two or three days for a VM staff member to get to your post.
on 13-02-2024 18:45
Głównym miejscem do zgłaszania usterek lub wniosków serwisowych jest obsługa klienta pod numerem 0345 454 1111/150, jeśli masz telefon stacjonarny VM lub czekasz dwa lub trzy dni, aż członek personelu VM dotrze na Twoje stanowisko.
on 16-02-2024 14:34
Thanks for reaching out to us @Filip04, and a very warm welcome to our Community Forums!
Sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the router.
I understand that you have since been able to discuss this with our team.
Do please feel free to keep us posted and advise us if there's anything further required.
on 16-02-2024 14:49
Unfortunately, I haven't done anything about it yet because I don't know how to go about it, I mean I don't know where to report a damaged router, where and how I can replace it. The payment period for the Internet is approaching and I cannot use it. If possible, could you help me solve this problem?
16-02-2024 15:41 - edited 16-02-2024 15:42
@Filip04 wrote:Unfortunately, I haven't done anything about it yet because I don't know how to go about it, I mean I don't know where to report a damaged router, where and how I can replace it.
Call the number posted above by Tudor
0345 454 1111 - or just 150 if you have a VM landline
on 19-02-2024 12:55
Hi @Filip04,
I am so sorry to hear your hub fell and broke, this must be so frustrating having no service, I can certainly look into getting a replacement sent out for you, and will pop you over a PM. Just keep an eye out for the little envelope 👀📩
Thank you @Tudor and @jbrennand for your advice on this 😊
on 18-04-2024 14:10
I wrote about 2 months ago about a broken router, unfortunately I have not received appropriate help so far and I have been without the Internet for 2 months even though I have paid the bill, I am asking for a quick answer and help.
on 18-04-2024 15:36
What did they say when you took the advice on here and called 0345 454 1111 - or just 150 if you have a VM landline - and reported it?