Forum Discussion

davepeters772's avatar
On our wavelength
2 months ago


I want a new router. I have the HUB 4 and have 1gig broadband. I have been with Virginmedia for years I am sick of this router. It’s always restarting esp when I’m in the middle of something important like university assessment and the WiFi is really patchy plus the hub always keeps disconnecting itself from both tv boxes. It is really unreliable I have reset the router a few times and powered it down and restarted the damn thing and still it is unreliable. I want the box replaced with a better unit or I will have to hand my notice in and switch to a better provider I can not carry on with this router anymore. Could someone get back to me on what I need to do? Because I have more university assessment coming up after new year and I can not have unreliable broadband. 

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If your problem is by wifi you can use the hub in modem mode with a better router with 1Gb ports and better wifi

    • davepeters772's avatar
      On our wavelength

      It’s not just the WiFi it keeps either restarting or rebooting all the time or it loses connection. It’s alway when you really need the broadband. 

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    All of this points to a signal / service issue. What is in the Upstream / Downstream tabs ?

    But you have concluded the Hub 4 is the issue and that is not even university under janitor grade of thinking.

    • GNeilli's avatar
      Joining in

      That is more than a little harsh Alessandro - wifi upload and download dependent on location / signal strength - wired connections generally should be better than wifi - the irregularity of the connection in terms of speed may be due to factors outside of the internal network. My guess is that things have got worse for davepeters since he (and I got the HUB4) it may also be there is a signal / service issue but Virgin are denying this after running their tests. 

    • davepeters772's avatar
      On our wavelength

      It is the hub because it does not allow me to connect to the internet. The hub just keeps stopping and starting or reboots or just losing connection. Yet when I connect my laptop to my iPhone WiFi pairing I can connect to the university with no problems. It’s definitely the router and I feel at some point soon it’s just fizzle out and stop working at the worse time ever. 

      • Lee_R's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi davepeters772 thanks for getting back to us.

        Sorry to hear you're not getting the service you'd expect via your hub 4. I'd like to take a look on your behalf. I'm going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.



  • I'm having the similar issues and spent a few fruitless hours on the online web chat yesterday - had the Superhub replaced with the Hub 4 due to connection starting to drop out on occasion. Since connecting the Hub 4 the problems have got substantially worse. I have two identical NAS drives directly linked to the Hub4 and scheduled back ups have failed due to connection loss - one NAS drive is considerably faster to load and interrogate than than the other. I also have an AirPort Extreme which I use as a WAP  and a tv connected via a TPLink mains connection. There is a considerable loss of speed on these wired connections which will generally but not consistently recover if the HUB is reset.  The agents on the chatline were saying that the problem was due to the non provided equipment ie the TP Link - which has always worked fine with the Superhub. I did ask them for details of equipment they might provide or that I could obtain that would be compatible (if the TP Link was the problem) - answer came there non. It may be that I need to go a purchase a suitable router and leave the HUB 4 in modem mode - but don't want to splash out to be told by VIrgin that such was not compatible. I am not entirely convinced that the problem lies entirely in my network - quite appalled by the lack of empathy / level of knowledge of the help desk. Virgin great when things are working - customer relations remain pretty terrible. 

    • davepeters772's avatar
      On our wavelength

      But even if I could use it in modem mood the hub just keeps stopping and starting or rebooting or most times it can fail to connect to the network you just can not rely on it 

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nobody should be using the Hub for wired LAN traffic. Get a good switch and only use the Hub for the Internet gateway and possibly WiFi if you don’t have your own AP’s. 

    • davepeters772's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Even if I got a new switch the hub just keeps rebooting and flashing all the time. So there’s no point. The connection is always dropping and the cables are all solid and fit well so it’s not the cables. It’s the router it has to be 😞 

  • davepeters772's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I need this fixing as my partner is dying of cancer and I don’t want the broadband going down esp when the house phone is connected to the hub. I want my partner to be able to use the internet and play games etc without it cuttings us of all the time. Could one of the VM reps have please message me back so I can get this resolved if not I will have to look at termination the contract for a more reliable service. Hate having a landline that relays on the broadband you start panicking if everything is alright at home when your out. Cheers guys 

  • davepeters772's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I think the hub should be replaced with something more reliable and better WiFi signal. I am sick to death of this hub. If virgin can’t sort it out, then they are breech of contract and I will find someone who will provide a service for what I pay for. Annoyed doesn’t even cover it.