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If the sidds are the same, how do i know what im on?

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Hi all,

i just got a black wifi pod, and when plugged in, i could no longer see a 2.4 or 5g network. From what i think iv read is that the hub "melds" them together then automatically connects you to one. But when i try to install say a wifi security camera which only uses 2.4, i cant get it to install because im thinking the "meld" is using 5g. (so the phone app needs to be on the same network that your trying to connect the camera to (2.4g), but what if the phone is connected to 5g?). Am i right, or have i missed something, because when i did use the pod, there were things i couldnt connect? I have for now taken the pod out and redone my original settings, and had to reset about 20 cameras and Alexas ect....not fun. Thx


Community elder

You can access the HUB on and check the 'Connected Devices' section to see which band each device is connected to.

You can also split the SSID into two, one for each band, so you can decide which one to connect to for each device:

You must disable 'Smart WiFi' first, though:




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Ah ok, so that means that the pod will work, plus i still have the option to connect to both channels right? (just checking, because other forums have said that is not possible) Thx again

Pods will probably stop working.

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poo sticks, i thought i was onto a winner then. I want pod plus both channels but doesnt look like i can, thanks Carl

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you need this granularity get your own WIFI kit.  The management around the VM kit is poor. 

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Alessandro Volta

This thread reads like another case of a Hub 5 not passing network traffic between the 2.4 & 5GHz bands.

Alessandro Volta

If you are using the VM pods you have to accept that the Hub is in control and limits what you can and can't do. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you have an iPhone or iPad you can install this shortcut, it gives a lot of useful information.

Here is the type of output from it:

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 19.51.52.jpeg.png

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Alessandro Volta

From the Google Play store, WiFi Analyzer (open-source) reveals the connection info for Android.