on 06-07-2024 21:18
Just had a new hub5 sent to me to replace hub3 and my wifi booster won't connect tryed ring customer services and it said we run a test no issue and then hung up on me is there anyway to get them to connect to the new hub
on 07-07-2024 13:03
Call the VM Activation team 0800 953 9500 and ask for the VM Pods to be re-paired to the new VM Hub.
on 07-07-2024 17:18
@DavT wrote:Just had a new hub5 sent to me to replace hub3 and my wifi booster won't connect..
Is that... one belonging to VM - or one that you own?
If VM - is it a "Pod" or an old "booster ? If yours - what make and model ?
on 10-07-2024 10:42
Hi @DavT
Thanks for posting and welcome to the community. Apologies for any issue with connecting your Pods to the new router.
I can see from a system check that we tried to resolve it with you over the phone, since your post but was unable to do so. The colleague then did a work order and form to the Back Office team, who have successfully paired your Pods with the new router 🙂
Best wishes.
Need a helpful hand to show you how to make a payment? Check out our guide - How to pay my Virgin Media bill
on 22-07-2024 20:05
John sorry about this but I only have one pod working but it's showing as unknown on the app and the other pod still is not working and it doesn't light up when I moved it to check if it was work and it not so is it possible to replace them and get one move please
on 22-07-2024 20:06
John it's all vm stuff hub5 and 2 pods
on 24-07-2024 20:28
Thanks DavT,
So I can take a closer look at this for you, I've popped you over a private message.