on 13-12-2023 11:11
Hi all,
Ive been reading up here an see that the modem mode is not available yet but I see al lot of people going the double NAT route using DMZ.
i decided to try that but noticed I don’t have DMZ option on mine. So I configured it anyway and it seemed to work for a day or two. Now my Unifi Dream machine is dropping connection every couple of minutes. I think it’s DNS but can’t get it working correctly. Anyone having a similar issue and got any advice?
on 18-04-2024 18:32
Hello mfltch55.
Thanks for your post.
Sorry to hear about the intermittent service you have been having, the placement of the router and the DD not being set up on your chosen date.
Would you like me to take a look at these issues and help get then ironed out?
If so? I will send you a private message to pass security.
If you can check the logo top right of your screen that would be great.