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Hub 5 questions.

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Hey all, I have a quick question about the HUB/modem mode.
In the near future, I want to get a UDM pro, and use that as the router for my home network. I know that to do this I will need to enable modem mode on the hub, however, whilst the hub is in modem mode, does the switching still work? i.e, if I wanted to have a Wifi access point downstairs, will I need to run ethernet back down for the AP, as the router would be located upstairs, along with the switching, or can I just use the other rj45 ports on the back of the hub. Thanks in advance for those who can help.


On our wavelength

Modem mode turns off all broadcasting. You'll need some Unifi AP's and either run them to the UDM or a switch.

Enabling modem mode turns off DHCP, you can probably make those ports work but not sure why you'd want to use them instead of a switch.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

In modem mode the Hub is simply a "bridge".  There are no other functions and only one port works, i.e. the one to your UDM Router.  As noted above you will need a switch for additional ports. 

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I use a UDM Pro very successfully with my Hub5. On the Hub5 I use port 4 the 2.5 one and on the UDM Pro I have an SPF+ to RJ45 adapter in port 10 that also runs at 2.5. Works very well. I would recommend in the future that you get a network switch and use port 11 for it. This is because the ‘network switch’ part of the UDM Pro is not very good, there are restrictions on the data flow. 
Speed check from the UDM Pro this morning: 

04:28:30 linkcheck[719]: linkcheck[719]: linkcheck.run_speedtest(): Completed: Downlink 1119.152 Mbps, Uplink 104.892 Mbps

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

On our wavelength

Pretty much as Tudor has said, I would refrain from using the UDM ports for switching. Here's my current setup:



Alessandro Volta

@dernu wrote:

Hey all, I have a quick question about the HUB/modem mode.
In the near future, I want to get a UDM pro, and use that as the router for my home network. I know that to do this I will need to enable modem mode on the hub, however, whilst the hub is in modem mode, does the switching still work? i.e, if I wanted to have a Wifi access point downstairs, will I need to run ethernet back down for the AP, as the router would be located upstairs, along with the switching, or can I just use the other rj45 ports on the back of the hub. Thanks in advance for those who can help.

Why do people overcomplicate things?


Yes I have a hub I want to use modem mode and have a router 200m away from the hub but...I want a AP where the hub is....put the god dam router next to the hub! Run a 200m cable to where you need it that way you don't have to run a 200m back to the hub! Unless you really want to do that or VLAN on one cable.


I'm a little bit offended by the blasphemy in your reply. 

But it is the truth and makes modem mode look bad and VM look at that think why did we give them modem mode making it a reason VM should not do modem mode
