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Hub 4 warmer than usual


Had my hub 4 around 3 years now and it's much warmer than when I first got it.

It's getting a bit more noisy, not the fan I don't think but a louder electrical humming noise from it. I can hear it from the other side of the room.

It's off for s few hours and I'll check the fan underneath but I think it's still working.

I've got a full 3 months left til I decide whether I stop with virgin ax the price will be getting ridiculous in April on my current package.

——————————————— My Broadband Ping - Virgin 500mb Home Connection

Alessandro Volta

The fan could be blocked with dirt. That would explain its motor humming and the heat. 

P. S. You need to check your BQM settings. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

The hub is running about 45c, think that's a bit hot and the fan has been blown.

It's kin a vented area and not closed in.

——————————————— My Broadband Ping - Virgin 500mb Home Connection

Alessandro Volta

Time for a replacement, if you can get a VM person to respond. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Hi Nigel1971,

I'm sorry to hear you're having some issues with the hub.

I'd be happy to look into this for you.

I'll send you a private message now. Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can. 


Vikki - Forum Team

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