on 24-01-2024 13:18
Is it possible to request a service of my router?
I have had a technician pop in when fitting my relatives Hub as my internet drops in almost every room other than the room the hub is in despite already having use of the wifi pods and he has advised that the hub 3 that is installed is not good enough and that I require the hub 5. What is the best way to go about getting the new hub installed to make my WiFi strength better?
Thank you
on 24-01-2024 14:24
@Rebeccaclifford wrote:What is the best way to go about getting the new hub installed to make my WiFi strength better?
You cant unless you upgrade the package to 1GB - and even then you will most probably get the Hub4
The issue may lay elsewhere - are ethernet cabled connections all okj?
see this fyi
Do you know if its a wifi only issue (are ethernet connected devices ok?), if it is - then On a Hub3/4/5, you could first try separating the SSID's of the 2.4 and 5 GHz wifi bands by renaming them in the settings At the same time switch off "channel optimisation/Smart wifi” and “ apply and save the settings. All wifi devices will now need reconnecting to the best SSID at each location. Also use a wifi scanning App or Apple Airport Utility) to find the best wifi channels to use (just select and use channels 1,6,11 on 2.4GHz) - this often helps Hub users get better wifi performance - so its worth trying - but its still no substitute for getting better kit 🙂
To address the wifi issues, VM now supply “wifi Pods” (no longer doing cheap and cheerless and poor value “boosters”). However, their Pods are only free to customers on the 1GB, Volt (or old Ultimate Oomph) packages - is that you? If so they are worth trying - they should work for you. VM Wifi is now “guaranteed” to 30 Mbps/room it’s now called… Wifi Max
See if anything in here helps….
You call 0800 064 3850 to order the first one after scanning for blackspots using the connect App.- or just wait here for a VM person to respond in a day or two and they will sort the first one for you. If you do call dont get fobbed off by the offshore CS agents' saying you aren’t eligible - if you are - it is clearly stated on the webpage.
If not free to you… you will be charged £8/month for up to 3 pods (note - BT charge £10/mo for their whole home wifi solution). It’s a simple solution and should work for you. However, you would soon pay off that cost by buying your own wireless solution that will be yours to own and use forever, although the VM Pods should be a simpler option.
If you do want to invest in better equipment, you would need to get either a… (1) Mesh System, (2) Wireless router, (3) Wireless access point(s), (4) a pair of good quality Wifi Powerline Adaptors, or a combination of (2&3).
£40-100 (that’s ~4->12 months of Max Pod rental) should sort it for most customers with an average property and usage. Spend more for additional advanced“features” - if required.
on 26-01-2024 15:10
Hey Rebeccaclifford, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.
As mentioned the Hub5 is only made for people with a 1GB connection, its made for this type of speeds anything else below it you will not see a difference.
If you only have one WIFI pod, we can look at getting you another to see if this helps?
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 26-01-2024 17:43
"you will not see a difference".
Hmmmm. That's a little different to the hyperbolic press release on the Hub 5's launch in 2021.
Rebecca - you are best off working through John's post in this thread.
on 26-01-2024 21:22
In all honesty I have not found the hub 5 to be that much better in my house, I'm getting much the same range as I did with a hub 3
on 26-01-2024 23:50
Hi Rebecca.
If possible get your hands on a router from ebay and set it up as an access point. it really is easy to do and you will be shocked at just how bad the hub3 really is. I have a knighthawk router as my access point and now have a perfect signal in every room. Also if you can, get as much of your equipment off wifi and use ethernet cables(if you can hide them). My system has tv/v6 on a switch with cat7 cable. My tv upstairs is cat6 cable to the knighthawk access point. Hardest part of all this was running a cat7 cable from front room up the outside of my house through the loft and into my bedroom to the knighthawk.
good luck.
on 25-09-2024 19:02
I've had volt 1gb for 2 years and renewed today to be fobbed off again. So you're not being entirely truthful. If tomorrow I still get fobbed off I'll be leaving to go to sky as VM don't really offer any loyal customer discount, like politicians it's smoke and mirrors.