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Connect app pausing issues

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Paused my son’s PlayStations the other day. Pausing said failed and came up with an error. Turns out it did pause it but is showing both of them as active. When I try to pause them again it fails with an error. So I am stuck with 2 PlayStations that cannot use the internet. I am using the hub 4. And I tried both android and iOS app versions. Same results. 


Accepted Solutions


Hi all,

We're very sorry that you're experiencing some issues when pausing / un-pausing devices through the connect app.

We’re aware of the issue and we have a fix that will be deployed shortly for customers with a Hub 3.0, Hub 4 and Hub 5.

We are still working on a fix for customers with the Hub 5x and will update this thread again with any further updates as we get them.

Kind regards,

Community Moderation Team

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Alessandro Volta

How badly does the VM Connect app have to burn people's hands before they will stop using it ?

Login to the Hub at  using the Hub menu remove all the devices you have paused.

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I've got this issue now. Was pausing fine a month ago and now it just won't pause. It started by not finding the hub , now it finds the hub amd devices but just won't pause then just says something went wrong on our side. I need this app because I have a lazy teen who I need to restrict the time he has online 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Do a pinhole reset on the Hub in the first instance.  Also you can manage the “pausing” via a browser to the Hubs admin console

It is done via the MAC address, however this is easily bypassed with MAC randomisation on most modern devices. 

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Focus on education of acceptable use of internet and stop being the Luddite of the family.

Hi, since my earlier gripes I've recently upgraded to the hub 5, mainly because their software supports the hub 5 better, plus faster speeds.

Anyhow, I can't get the connect app to work now as I had to disable their smart WiFi feature for my surround sound to work properly.

However, I have learnt a bit more with regards to not actually needing the connect app, you can sign in by popping the old into the address bar, and hey presto absolute full of gobbledygook, however on there, you can pause devices at certain times, and must remember to cover your tracks because cocky teenage kids, we got one can also gain access to these settings so change your settings password 1st!!!

So, I found in the advance settings, goto security, then click on mac filtering.

Once in there, click on one of the connected devices you wish to pause and click add rule, but you would like the Mac filtering to be active "at different times of each day" which gives you a block chart of the week and when you want the device off then click on the blocks to your desired off time is. Note always click apply changes otherwise your rules won't be saved.

I hope this helps 👍

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This app is pointless. Claims to be able to pause WiFi on connected devices,

Not seen it work once yet on any device I have tried on!!

Even my youngest grandson can quickly evade Wi-Fi Pausing.

Guiding acceptable use of the internet is advisable.

That’s really unhelpful thank you

Alessandro Volta

Unhelpful but accurate.The reason you are finding it doesn't work is because it doesn't. Most modern phones will bypass the blocking with little or no effort from the user.  If blocking is important and the user can't be trusted, you will need to physically control the device. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.