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Cannot get IP address ..continued

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Im getting the same issue the other guy had whereas devices on my Wifi are unable to obtain an IP address.

I work in IT and it makes no sense why it doesn't work so my question becomes how do I clear the DHCP leases manually? when i change the lease times to one hour the existing leases ones dont clear - so can i do this manually?

This will tell me if the issue I have is DHCP related.

Next question : can I turn off mac address filtering completely - to enable me to diagnose. There doesnt appear to be an option to do that, only on all the time or during a period specified. 

As mentioned I work in IT so please don't just tell me to factory reboot , I change the SSID's and all default passwords so its a pain to keep having to change the settings back. 

The guest Wifi works fine BTW - its only the devices that try and join the none GUEST SSID - I use different ones for 2.4 and 5 and guest.

If the device needs new firmware PLEASE UPDATE IT - many users are using this old crap device. Support it.

INCLUDING ADDING WPA3!!!!! WPA2 is rubbish.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Which Hub are you using?  Are you using the Connect app for admin?  If so I would advise against this, and recommend using the admin console on the Hub via a wired connection.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If it’s a hub5 there are DHCP issue with that model. I’ve seen of the board that sometimes a pin-hole reset of the hub fixes it for awhile. Also seen one report that the latest, possibly trial, firmware for the hub fixes it.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

hi, i loginto the admin portal using wired -as i said I work in IT so I understand the security issues.

Its a hub 3.


interesting that you say the reset "fixes it for a while" - why is Virgin not updating this junk ?


Alessandro Volta

Set the device manually with a IP or get your own wifi router and use modem mode


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

"interesting that you say the reset "fixes it for a while" - why is Virgin not updating this junk ?" I believe there is a version under test that fixes the problem.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

You say you work in IT but you don't say what you do in IT, it's a broad term and I suspect an application developer will have a different skill set than a network engineer; whichever field of IT you work in obviously doesn't equip you to sort this issue out yourself so repeating the fact that you work in IT is perhaps redundant.

That being said, have you tried turning it off and on again? 

Alessandro Volta

Changing the SSIDs on a Hub 5 has resulted in the Hub 5 DHCP server failing.

Using Hub 5 in Modem mode with a 3rd party Wi-Fi Mesh / Router would solve the issues outlined in this thread.

hi, i didnt go into detail about what I do as this is not a job application. 

Lets just say I have 40yrs experience with network security and have held various certs over the years. 

from CNA to CISM, with many in between. I did coding for years Ive done  APi dev work and now Im a manager of a team involved in IT security. Is that enough for you?

turning it off and on was the first thing i did....LOL




p.s my hobbies include robotics (microprocessors,sensors,servos,motors, fabrication and construction) and RF analysis and also completing hacking CTF's in my spare time and I do abit of gaming too.