With Virgin Media's Essential Security service enabled (Virus protection On, Parental controls On) there is no issue accessing website suggesting a routing or site issue. To try and determine the cause open a Command Prompt in Windows or Terminal application elsewhere, and enter the following commands:
- if using Windows:
curl -IL simmarket.com
tracert simmarket.com
- otherwise:
curl -IL simmarket.com
traceroute simmarket.com
Post the resulting curl output here and redacted output from tracert / traceroute, i.e. do not post initial steps, for example:
traceroute to simmarket.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
⋮ ⋮
9 ae1-2014.nbg40.core-backbone.com ( 40.771 ms 41.286 ms 41.258 ms
10 core-backbone.hetzner.com ( 35.107 ms 39.398 ms 39.043 ms
11 core22.fsn1.hetzner.com ( 42.502 ms core21.fsn1.hetzner.com ( 35.255 ms core22.fsn1.hetzner.com ( 42.446 ms
12 213-239-252-125.clients.your-server.de ( 41.725 ms ex9k2.dc16.fsn1.hetzner.com ( 41.574 ms 41.473 ms
13 secure12.simmarket.com ( 40.632 ms 44.700 ms 40.173 ms
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