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100% packet loss on my BQM almost every day

On our wavelength

My BQM is showing 100% packet loss (full block of red bar) almost every day, I usually reset the router by turning it on and off again and it starts reading data again. Today however I had to do it twice. I recently changed my IP address though so I don't know if this has got anything to do with it but its become rather irritating to have to keep resetting my router. It'll start gathering data for 4 hours and then show 100% loss again.



The public IP address will change if the VM Hub is replaced, or if the VM Hub is switched from Router mode to Modem mode.  In Modem mode the customers 3rd party Router has to be configured to answer the pings from BQM (i.e. responses are not from the VM Hub).

Check your BQM is using the current public IP address.

The link below will return the Public IP Address, note the ISP must be Virgin Media Limited (i.e. not NordVPN and not Apple Relay etc)

On our wavelength

I haven't replaced my Hub (the 3) and its not in router mode.

I'm using the same IP address sourced by your link above, unless I should change it host name but this probably won't make any difference.


So with your Hub 3 in Modem mode, it is your 3rd Party Router that must respond the the pings from BQM.

Check the firewall setting of the 3rd Party Router, there may be a setting to enable "Respond to ICMP Ping from WAN"   the name of the option may vary.

On our wavelength

Sorry I meant not in modem mode, I don't use a 3rd part router just the Hub3.

Also I have looked in the firewall settings or security settings of the Hub 3 for that Respond to ICMP Ping option, but I can't see one in there.

Hey there Daniel.

For me, on my ancient/antiquated Hub 2, the key setting was at the following location:

Open Hub administration page at > Login fully to the Hub using password > Advanced Settings > scroll down to "Tools" > select "Ping" > tick the box for "Respond to ICMP echo requests sent to WAN IP"

It might still be the same for the Hub 3 (or thereabouts)!

Hope that helps! 🙂


On our wavelength

Hi thanks for the instructions however I followed the tabs and can't see a respond to ICMP echo requests sent to WAN IP tick box option anywhere.

Here's a screen shot of what I see when I login:

Hub settings.PNG

Oh and its showing 100% packet loss yet again!


I'd stop the BQM clearly it is not working as expected & it does not tell us anything about where the pings are being dropped. We can't assume the Hub is the issue, the packets could be lost long before reaching the Hub.

Try this test to measure Packet Loss at the VM Hub and at your devices.

Once the test begins click on: Run full test to see stats for Packet Loss, Latency, Jitter & Upload Speed.
Do share a screen shot of the results.

On our wavelength

I've stopped the BQM now. I'm only looking out for packet loss really as my work involves video calls often so I need my upload speed to be working properly. I had issues a couple of years with power spikes and SNR issues but an engineer installed an attenuator which seems to have calmed it down.


I ran a full test on the link you gave me, here's the results.

Samknow full test.PNG


For M250 the Realspeed figures are as expected and no packet loss.

By chance is the conf call for work MS Teams, a platform that has ten times more gripes than all the rest put together.