on 05-02-2024 02:52
I’ve had no issue signing up for the community forum account, and verifying my email was a breeze. However, I’ve been unable to sign up for a My Virgin Media Account at all. I’m a new customer, and any time I’ve tried the link in an email it’s coming back as expired, despite clicking the link within seconds of receiving it. I’ve tried having the email re-sent, but it’s rarely they actually even get received. I’ve probably requested another email 40+ times, and only had about 4 emailed links. I’m not even sure when my broadband goes live or anything in terms of my new broadband, so would like access to my account asap.
please help! Thanks!
on 05-02-2024 08:12
Hi xclmcdx,
Thanks for posting and welcome to our community 🙂
Sorry to hear you're having some issues setting up your My Virgin Media account.
So I can get a few more details from you, I've popped you over a private message.