on 27-05-2024 22:22
I'm also a new customer and facing the exact same issue and have tried everything that's been suggested here and in other threads and it still won't accept my password.
Please could you help me out here? I am tired of dealing with this. Unbelievable that this has been going on for at least two years and affecting potentially hundreds or thousands of customers yet there's still no solution beyond begging for help here on the online forum.
Yes, I've made sure my passwords meet all the requirements, and I've tried on multiple devices and browsers and still nothing. It should be clear from my and others' feedback that this is on Virgin's side.
Thank you,
on 27-05-2024 22:11
Like everyone else in this thread I have also tried everything yet still unable to create a password. Could you please help me out?
Thank you,
on 28-05-2024 09:02
Hey there EduardoAparicio, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am sorry to hear this.
What error are you getting is it just a password one?
Have you tried a simple password to see if that will work?
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 28-05-2024 14:51
Hi Matt,
I am getting the error shown in the imagine below. Yes, I have tried dozens of passwords (including automatically generated ones as well as really simple ones) but nothing works sadly.
on 28-05-2024 17:44
Thank you for that information. We are happy to take a look into this for you.
I will private message you now to confirm your details.
on 29-05-2024 09:08
Thank you for reaching back out and I can see you are in DM with my colleague.
Please do reply to this so my colleague can assist you.
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 29-05-2024 12:08
If it helps I was eventually able to create an account by combining two bits of info from the numerous threads here and elsewhere inc Reddit.
1/ using the direct url to the login page rather than going via app or website redirect to it:
Quite: “Also use this link here just to be sure you're on the right URL”
interestingly that was the first login page that I saw that had both virgin and O2 logos on
2/… and this was the final piece of the puzzle for me. When you get to the page asking if you’d like to use the email you gave them, or login using a different one… change and use a different email at that point (ie the first one they ask for when you choose “register” is irrelevant)