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VAT biils request

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My Virgin Media bills come without VAT breakdown.

I called Virgin Media helpline about 2 weeks ago and made a request. The lady I spoke to did not know what VAT stands for. After an internal consultation, she got back to me and said within a week I would receive all my previous bills with VAT breakdown via e-mail and also all my new bills would come with VAT.

I still have not received the previous bills and also my new bill came without VAT again.

Could you please provide assistance?

Many thanks,


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Dimkadimka

Thanks for your post and welcome to our community.

We're sorry to hear about the incorrect information received regarding the VAT receipts.

We don't send these as standard, these need to be requested. 

VAT receipts are produced separately to the standard bill and can not be sent via email, these will always arrive by post, usually two weeks after the online standard bill. 

I would be happy to check to ensure VAT receipts have been requested and set up on the account for you.

I will send you a private message now. 

Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can.

Vikki - Forum Team

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