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Speed boost offer accepted but still not applied

On our wavelength

Hey all,

I accepted a deal to increase my broadband speeds from 350 to 500 for £4 extra, got the confirmation right after that it was estimated to be applied Tuesday the 23rd of Jan. Its now Saturday and I've still heard nothing. I tried to reach tech support but after waiting in a live chat for two hours it then closed as staff were done for the day.. 

Could this be looked into?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Stiffers 👋 welcome back to the community! Thank you for posting. 

Sorry to hear you are needing some support with a speed boost / package change! We will just need to send you a PM to take a closer look for you and ensure everything has been processed / set up correctly. 

Can we just check - was this a deal taken out via the My VM platform? And did you receive any contract documents confirming the order? (These would have been sent to your email, and we may need you to provide a copy.)

You can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Wishing you all the best. 🌞


On our wavelength

Thanks Molly, I have responded to your message