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Re: Contract expiry downgrade

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I've had the same problem - my broadband contract is coming to an end, and I wanted to move to a new contract with a cheaper monthly payment (and accept a slower speed). I managed to get through to the call centre, but the person told me there was no option to downgrade - only to upgrade, at an increased monthly payment. They told me to go via the Virgin website, but again all i had the option for under 'Change my Package' was the option to upgrade for a higher monthly payment. I'm not very happy!!


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Nap1815 

Welcome back to our community forums and sorry to hear you have had a similar experience when trying to change your package. I can assure you, our team will do their best to find the best-suited package for you. You can find some great alternative packages here You can also discuss alternative packages with our team on 0345 454 1111 


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I navigated to the link you sent @Akua_A , but it just takes me to the 'Change your Package' area and only offers *upgrading* from M350 to M500 or Gig1, whihc both cost more that my current deal. That's not what I want - I want to be able to move to a *cheaper* deal!

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person


You will need to call in to renegotiate your package. What you want to achieve, can't be done via this forum. It's possible that the bundle you are on is sufficiently discounted, that alternatives are not as cost-effective - but you'll only be sure by calling back and speaking to someone else.

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