Never missed a payment and credit report ruined - resolution needed
My credit score is adversely affected by VIRGIN Media's billing mistake when I did not miss any of the payments. I once requested switching between different accounts, for which I was even charged extra, and after several complaints, it was not resolved. Now, I am on the verge of applying for a mortgage, and your mistake is causing me stress about not getting good offers on the mortgage. I might be declined because of an error not made by me. This is quite stressful, and I have contacted multiple parties without any resolution.
I have sent an email (13/3/2024) to and got an automated reply that they will get back to me in 21 days, which is unacceptable, given the amount of stress it has caused me.
You can even trace the number of emails and messages I have shared via my account to resolve the payment mistake, which is still pending in the complaint section.