on 11-02-2024 21:12
I recently moved house and called the moving team to take my virgin services with me. when I log in to my account it had the old account number and address not the new one. If I try and register the new account number it tells me it's already registered to the email address that is displaying the old address. I spoke to customer support and they told me I need to delete the account and sign up again but the instructions to delete the account don't take me to anything that says delete.
I'm at my wits end that I can't check my account status. See bills. Change websafe etc....
Any advice welcome at this point
on 12-02-2024 08:12
Hi DantesGambit,
Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.
Sorry to hear that your MyVM details are still showing the old address. so we can rectify this please expect a PM from myself.
The message will appear within the envelope icon.