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Incorrect billing ... AGAIN

Tuning in

Good afternoon,

Unfortunately it's becoming a bit of a chore having to constantly contact VM CS in regards to my Package billing. I have just received this month's bill and for the umpteenth time is incorrect. I would have thought that after going through mediation with the Ombudsman, that VM would finally start getting the bills right. 

I almost think it's deliberate.... The streaming subscription runs for the duration of the contract (which may well not be renewed). Please make the necessary adjustments prior to taking your at risk direct debit. 

Thank you in advance. 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi JC6310,

Thank you for your post. We're very sorry to hear about your bill being incorrect. 

We can certainly take a look into this. I will private message you now to confirm your details. 


Tuning in

So this is a new low and I'm very much over it. The amount of time I spend each month in conversation with Virgin Media is beyond a joke. Last month I was overcharged and queried the bill. This month I'm overcharged for:

  1. A streaming package that is supposed to be free with the contract. This was discussed and supposedly rectified last month.
  2. A previous bill not paid in full! I pay by Direct Debit hence VM takes what is due. Should I now cancel my Direct Debit because of a lack of trust in the ability of VM to conduct business in the proper manner?
  3. Last but not least, a usage charge which I'm completely unaware of as we do NOT use any additional features. 

Virgin Media, you are pushing me to cancel my contract because of your constant breaches. 

Let's get this sorted ASAP please. I'm mentally exhausted from dealing with you. How to turn what should be an entertainment package into a Mental health crisis. 

James Connor

Hi @JC6310,

Welcome back to our community forums. I'm really sorry to hear you're experiencing some ongoing issues and concerns related to your package and billing.

If you've been discussing this with a member of the team via private message, please respond to them there (if you haven't done so already) to make them aware the problem is ongoing. They can then address it and assist you further from there than we can here.


Zach - Forum Team
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Tuning in

Good afternoon

I spoke with someone by the name of Samuel last Friday, July 5th. He informed me that he would seek to get the account charges amended and contact me in 72 hours. I have Not had a response as yet and would like an update as soon as possible please. 


James Connor

Hi JC6310,

Thank you for your post. If you can respond to my last private message to yourself we can continue our conversation. 
