Incorrect billing & being told lies.
Had virtually the same problem. Responded to an early renewal email for a contract extension for same price of £76 Got an order number. Nothing happened. 2 weeks later did a web chat which confirmed first order should have gone through and it would now. Nothing happened. 2 weeks later phoned up and an agent told me he couldn’t see that deal but would send me a contract for £117 but would get a rolling credit applied which took the monthly cost back down to £76.
While awaiting confirmation of this rolling credit I suddenly today got new contract documents stating the monthly cost was going to be £167 ( not my verbally agreed 67 or even the contracted 117). Phoned up expecting to cancel the new renewal and just go back to the old contract until it expired in 4 months. Was informed that can’t happen as my old contract was cancelled yesterday. Agent completely ignored what I was trying to explain and said all I could do was cancel completely and would be charged over £300 to do so but would get approx £150 of that refunded at some future date when account was closed. I wasn’t happy but was simply not going to pay the ridiculous £167 they now demanded so told them to cancel from 13 November. Gets off the chat to find another email stating I have yet another contract starting today this time for £171. I decided to lodge a complaint but while writing it out received another email stating the contract starting today was now £211. On the contracts page they show several contracts all supposedly agreed by me in the last week but I have never agreed to pay more than £76 so have no idea where they got these figures from.
I have no bloody idea what is going on with this company but surely it has to be fraud to keep telling me I have agreed to contacts when I have not done so.
Hi Mansongj
Thanks for your post and welcome to our community.
I'm very sorry to hear there's been some confusion and conflicting contract amounts quoted to you.
I'll pop you a private message now so I can help.
Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can.