on 16-11-2023 16:18
So I'm amazed Ofcom lets Virgin Media carry on. They're saying my contract runs out next week and my contract will double in price to nearly £100 a month.
So I was like OK let's renew - there's no renewal link. You login and you can't renew online, only upgrade and give them more money.
I've been on the online chat for multiple hours but noone's there.
If you call Virgin media they give you a multiple hour wait time and say why not text? The text system then tells you to not use text and moves you to WhatsApp, WhatsApp then says to not use WhatsApp and instead redirects you back to web chat.
What the hell is this? How is this legal? There's literally no way to contact Virgin.
I've now been kicked off the chat after I think 2.5 hours.
Should I just cancel my direct debit and let Virgin take me to court? I can't see a judge siding with them when it's price gouging to force me to double my contract price?
on 17-11-2023 11:53
"You can feely comment on our Facebook page"
No you can't comment you're now locking the posts. They were clearly unlocked before because there's so many complaints on there.
And you can't message either.
on 17-11-2023 14:18
Sometimes with Marketing posts we do limit what can be posted but this is just with marketing stuff like competitions etc.
We would always advise you to make your own post and we would be more than happy to help you with what we can do. Cheers
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?
on 17-11-2023 14:37
@davidhomer wrote:They're saying my contract runs out next week and my contract will double in price to nearly £100 a month.....it's price gouging to force me to double my contract price?
I'm going to pickup on a few comments from your first post. You don't have a fixed term contract that ends on a date, that would also mean that your service automatically stops on that date.
What you have is a rolling contract with 1: A minimum contractual term and 2: A time-limited discount. The discounts likely expire with the end of your minimum term.
Your contract and every monthly bill shows your undiscounted package price, together with the amount & expiry date of all your discounts. You suggest a >50% discount, which is very generous, and you will do very well to match that without taking a considered approach to the renegotiation process.
I agree with other comments about cancelling your regular payments and the potential implications for your credit file. Be very aware, and do a search on this forum for "credit file", "default" & similar terms.
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