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DD increase today but no communication on why

Tuning in

My direct debit paid today was a fair amount more than usual. I was informed of this amount as per monthly advice but didn't know why (extra phone charge maybe?).  My billing/contract details still show the amount before the 9% increase in April. I also see that the contract will go up by a 77% increase on this figure (63% increase on current payment from April), which seems ridiculous in the light of past increases.

I've received no communication whatsoever on any changes, either to my contract or its cost and can't see from my account what has happened here.  Previously during my 16 year tenure with Virgin I've always received advance communication on any changes.  Due to impaired hearing, a phone call is a difficult option and a previous enquiry was handled successfully via this forum. 

The proposed increase on top of the last one seems out of all proportion and our usage has not changed in years. I'd be grateful if you could clarify what has happened and offer suggestions/advice.


Thank you,

M. a. Reed


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Your contract and each monthly bill, states the full price of your current package, together with details of your discounts.

Are you saying these amounts differ?

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Thanks for jumping on, please do let us know Mike9299 🙂 

Matt - Forum Team

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