Forum Discussion

goldstonebha's avatar
Tuning in
7 months ago

Checking our broadband bill

Wondering if this is reasonable for what we are getting.
In particular what is 'Broadband XL Discount', which is an addition not a discount.

Prices including VAT:

M250 Broadband                             £53.80
Price Rise Charge                           £5.12
Standard Contract Term                  £0
Broadband XL Discount.                 £6.45
Base Simplification Toolkit Credit   -£2
Total                                                 £63.37

Been with Virgin a long time and there have been free speed bumps but not for some time. Service has been rather poor and an engineer replaced the router and repaired an external cable last week. 

  • Some odd entries. In any event have you renegotiated a new discounted contract in the past 18 months? Looks like you are on rolling contract prices which are over the odds. 

  • Ilyas_Y's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hey there goldstonebha Thanks for reaching out to us on the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

    Apologies for the confusion in regards to the package itself.
    Without going too much in to the package details (for security reasons as we're on a public thread), are you able to check your Virgin Media bill to see if you are in contract or if it's ending soon?
    Also are you able to check as to whether or not you are in a 18 month contract or just on a rolling service?

    Let us know and we can go on from there.

    Kind regards,

    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi goldstonebha,

      If you're out of contract and would like to discuss a new deal, please contact the team on 150 from a Virgin Media Landline or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone and they'll be happy to help.

      Please let us know how you get on. 

      Take care. 

      • goldstonebha's avatar
        Tuning in

        I did call Virgin last year and asked if there was anything they could do on price and was told no, and neither was an upgrade on offer for the same price. 
        I want to know what I should be paying for this service and if I was treated unfairly. 
        I do not want a new contract. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Time to renegotiate. You are paying too much.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You can only get a better deal from Virginmedia by signing up to a new contract. Otherwise the charge for your present service will continue to go up year by year. 

    You can phone in and negotiate a new contract price, but you have to be firm and prepared to leave because the staff you speak to are experts whose job is to get as much money from you as possible. There is no such thing as a 'fair' price.

    If you are content with your present service, you do not need an upgrade. Do not accept something like a faster speed that you do not need, instead of a better price for the service you have. 

  • I don't want a new contract as am hopeful of getting a fibre supplier at some point although frustratingly G.Network has so far left out our end of the street. 
    Virgin seem to be in no hurry to upgrade our area to fibre. 
    I guess there's nothing I can do for the time being but surely I can get an explanation of what the 'Broadband XL Discount' which isn't a discount is. 

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      I am sorry to hear this, if you need us for anything you know where we are.

      We are always investing and upgrading our network any updates can be found here . Cheers