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My disconnection date is 19th September my mum has the same last name and we live in same address can she start a new contract so it starts after mine ends or will she have to wait certain amount of time after?


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So can my mum take an offer now or would she have to wait until my disconnection day?

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Forum Team

Hi Wayne1990,

Thank you for your post. We're sorry to hear you're looking to disconnect. 

With regards to a new account being made after the disconnection. 

A new customer would be free to request a new contract at the address but you would need to wait at least 90 days before being able to take out a new contract. 


so went into 02 today and the person I spoke to said he can start a new contract in my mums name for the day after my disconnection day so i am a bit confused?

Hi Wayne,

If you wanted to take a new contract in your name then it would be a 30 days wait after cancelation however for you to take it in your mums name then they can process this the next day however there may still be a wait for the installation.



Hi Highway,

There are 2 different scenarios I believe there may have been some confusion, if you are a customer you have to be a none customer for 90 days after the account is closed if you are a new customer then as long as there isn't an active account you can take the deal on offer as a new customer.


Apologies for the confusion, the 30 days is the notice before the account closes.



So can my mum take an offer now or would she have to wait until my disconnection day?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I believe you can't have two active accounts at the same address.  It would be best to start your Mum after your account is closed.  You will also need to return all your VM kit as your Mum will be supplied with new kit for her account, i.e. she cannot use your kit.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @Wayne1990 

There are some possible pitfalls if you cancel and your mum signs up as a new customer.

You would lose any current email addresses you have with VM. They are closed after 80 days. That wouldn't affect Hotmail, google etc email addresses.

If you have a landline phone with VMyou wouldn't be able to retain your current landline number 

Any VM equipment that you currently have would be de-activated, some of which may need returning to VM, and the new account holder would be sent "new" equipment.  So, if you currently have either Tivo or V6 boxes and don't want to move to the 360 platform then you would be snookered as VM only issue 360 and Stream boxes to new  customers.

Stream boxes are one per household and don't have recording facilities. 

New multiroom customers would receive one main 360 box with a hard drive, any additional boxes would be mini boxes which don't have recording facilities.

There is also the possibility that VM may be over-subscribed in your area to consider which might mean they aren't taking on any new customers there, or that they wouldn't be offering the highest speeds. (It's unlikely but still a possibility)

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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Thank you for jumping on newapollo. 

I can see we have also been trying to assist here. 

Matt - Forum Team

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